Prevent baldness in men

Men who are affected by baldness?

Baldness is common. In Europe, 30% of men over 30 are concerned. If the risk of hair loss increases with age, in case of strong family inheritance, the first signs can appear before the age of 20, in connection with puberty ...

What causes male-pattern baldness?

It is due to an acceleration of the hair cycle, a phenomenon that leads to premature exhaustion of the hair renewal. The cause is attributed to an excess of hormone receptor sensitivity to androgens (male sex hormones).

Hair loss: how does the consultation?

The physician performs an examination and a local review to confirm the diagnosis of androgen alopecia.
The health status of past and present, taking any medication, heredity possible, and so on., Are all elements that allow to rule out other causes for hair loss (stress, anesthesia, surgery, high fever , radiotherapy, chemotherapy, alopecia, hair fall seasonal, drugs ...).

The treatment of hair loss is primarily medical.

It is conventionally based on the application twice a day lotion (minoxidil and finasteride) can reduce the androgen levels in the scalp.
Studies of the effectiveness of this treatment showed that after 2 years, 80% of men aged 18 to 41 years no longer lose their hair. Some people find even an increase in the density of their hair. And after 5 years of treatment, 60% of male patients have stabilized.

The treatment has drawbacks, however. With twice daily topical applications, it is binding. Second, it must be taken for life (alopecia returned within 3 to 6 months after cessation of treatment). Finally, this treatment is expensive and not reimbursed by Social Security.

Attention to obtain very good results, treatment should begin early, when the subject still has fine hair. Otherwise, it will be moving to a different strategy, such as hair transplantation in bald areas.

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