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Hair Transplantation in Alopecia
If a surgical hair transplantation, autologous hair taken from the patient and then transplanted. A hair transplant is for those affected by hair loss is usually the only way to win back full and thick hair back. During the hair transplant the hair is removed in so-called hair follicles. A follicle consists of one or more hair units. The donor area for the transplanted hair is hair from the back of the head, which they can never fail hormonal. Regarding the unloading method of hair are two different techniques. The older of the two methods is the FUT hair transplantation technique.
In this form of hair transplantation, the hair is removed on a short strip of skin. Only after the follicles to be individually removed from the piece of skin. The major disadvantage of this method is the fact that leaving a visible scar, if a short haircut is worn. And that disadvantage is the reason why more patients are opting for revolutionary FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair transplant. In the FUE technique the hair follicles are individually taken directly from the back of the head, without cutting out a strip of skin beforehand. There remain only tiny little scars back items that are not visible to the naked eye.
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